Friday, January 2, 2015

New year, new blog

As you may have noticed, all blog posts prior to 2015 have been removed. To continue with the idea of gaining focus with my site, I realized there was no longer any purpose to my blog.

Prior to using Smugmug as my web host, the only way I had to share my photos from my site to social media, was the use of blog posts. In turn it became a collection of posts, each with about 3 images explaining briefly where the images were taken.

What new direction will I be taking with the blog now? I'm not entirely sure. I would definitely like to post more than I currently do, however I'm not even going to dare to make that as part my resolution. 

Happy New Year!

Another year is in the books. As 2015 is welcomed in, like every year, we challenge ourselves to better ourselves by establishing resolutions we will likely keep for about 3 weeks. No one quite knows the origins of the New Year's resolution, however records go back all the way to the ancient Babylonians that would make promises to their gods at the start of each new year promising to return borrowed objects and repay their debt. No matter the origin, what is known is that they don't have the best track record for being kept. In fact, a study in Bristol showed that of 3,000 people that made resolutions, 88% of them failed.